COVID-19 Virus Shutdown, Day 58

I spent quite a lot of time setting up the camera just right. I made the videos. I made the apple pie all the while talking about it, like some kind of pro.
The videos need to next be imported, which apparently takes forever? No indication.

So while I wait, I'll give you some tips I learned today in my overall cleaning, tai chi, baking, video taking, more baking, cleaning, and making dinner kind of saturday.

1. They say to clean the house top to bottom, but I say, start with the grossest mess first. This makes you feel accomplished and makes you want to keep going until you get to the level called "acceptable" aka " I ran outta time and my back hurts".
So it goes: Garbage, Cat litter, Dust, Vacuum, dishes left to soak last night, stove, microwave, breakfast dishes, counters, Ok i'm tired. There was no organizing. (Bathrooms were already wiped down and didn't need cleaning again yet, in case you're wondering.)

2.  Tai Chi is hard, but it's harder when you don't stretch all week and sit on a too soft couch working from a too high tv tray. Ouch my back.

3. You have no idea how hard it is to figure out how to put a phone camera tilted at just the right angle to take a video until you try to do it. Everything falls that you lean it against, except a hand sanitizer bottle for some reason.

4. If you do anything at all that involves talking to said camera, the dog needs to see what's up and your video will consist of random dog tails waving like a white flag as you do so.

5. It's very easy to chop the top of your head off in a video.

6. When you lean in to show them how egg wash will be light yellow, you can dump some on the table.

7. Whatever happens, just keep going.

8. Don't hold the camera vertical or the 13yr old boy will yell at you AS you're making a video.

9. Pie will be done when it feels like it. No sooner.

10 Blueberry buckle does NOT take 1 cup of oil. When I wrote this down years ago, I forgot the "/4". I expect it's going to be weird. But hey, its blueberry, right?

11. Videos can be really really big. This takes more patience than I realized.

12. When you discover a need for molasses and you JUST boasted about kroger being awesome, their website search engine will FAIL. Dang! Back to a paper list again.

I'm off to watch Glee with my daughter.
Stay safe, sane, and healthy!


  1. OK - agreed with everything, but loved the comment about the blueberry buckle NOT needing a cup of oil. MANY times, I have misread the recipe only to be severely disappointed by the outcome and humbled when I would go back and re-read the recipe

    1. For sure one of life's great disappointments is a bad or wrong recipe.


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