COVID-19 Virus Shutdown, Day 84

Yesterday, I made a round sourdough bread loaf. I'm researching a possible idea for a set of recipes, some classics, some "make your own [fill in the baked good]". 

If I can find some really good recipes for the classics and the basic doughs, I think I can do pretty much anything.

It's exciting. I think I found the sourdough I've been wanting to make. It was a bit sour but not too much, and had the nice holes in the bread - a nice crumb. And chewy. I love chewy sourdough. Definitely a winner. 

Sourdough Loaf

Yesterday I also planted some lettuces, so today I got to harvest the outer leaves of my red lettuce, add that to my butter lettuce from Imperfect Foods, and a giant salad was born!

We ate it with spaghetti. 

I also got some succulents and Petunias, and made some pretty fairy garden and a planter in the back yard. Loving the color. 

And while I was working these two guys put up a sign for Andrew. I thought it was sweet. Found out later they were his assistant principals. :) For this pic, since Andrew wouldnt take his hands out of his pockets, I asked the APs to put theirs in their pockets!

It was a pretty good day. 
Hope yours was too. 

Stay safe, sane, and healthy!


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