COVID-19 Virus Shutdown, Day 20

We got the car today. It's a Cajun Red 2020 Bolt.
This is my first totally electric vehicle. It has some seriously big windows so you can see so much better. It's only got a tiny chime when you start the car, no Vrooom! no gears shifting. But it GOES when you ask it to. Kinda blows your mind when you're used to gas engines.
Here it is along with my kids and the cat.The one in front is my daughter and the cat's name is Gus. My son is very focused on what the car has on the inside haha!

On the gardening front, the potato has grown twice its size since yesterday and the dill has sprouted! More pics coming soon, I promise.

Martial arts is finding a way back into my life, using Zoom.
Tai Chi is now saturday mornings and as of tomorrow, we are going to try Iaido on thursday nights.
Due to my anxiety issues, a surprise class is a little fear inducing. I worry I'll do something foolish.
I know its probably unfounded, but I still have the feelings. Anxiety sucks.

I'm taking a day off baking because you can only eat so much, my friends.
Although I will probably make a practice cake this weekend, since my son asked for the reddit logo on a cake. He got his first UpVote, whatever that is, on a virtual customized car? It makes him happy.   Anyway we're celebrating that! He loves vanilla so that will be the flavor.

For dinner (counter clockwise from the bottom right) we had modified Pork Chops, cabbage, garlic smashed potatoes, and grilled pineapple.

I say modified because we used chicken shake n bake and added sage. That wasn't the formula. I was hoping it would be the difference between chicken and pork. Not at all. I suspect there are smaller particles for the chicken too, it was gummier.

Oh well, I will keep an eye out for the pork flavor.

The pineapple is good, I think its a good way to have a little less calories for dessert. Just put the slices of pineapple squashed into a bowl of brown sugar so it gets all over the pineapple. Then put some butter in a frying pan, cook the pineapple slices. They will brown up as the sugar starts to caramelize. Don't go too crazy, caramel can turn black and it will be sticky and bitter. Not good.

Speaking of finding the shake n bake....I feel like a hunter - gatherer when it comes to grocery shopping lately, don't you?
It's almost spooky isn't it? Like we are doing something necessary and yet wrong at the same time?

I guess that is the new state of things for a while.

Just remember we are allowed to get food and to eat! Just be smart about it and throw your own garbage away please. I've seen rubber gloves in people's yards and pictures of gloves and wipes in the carts after people leave a store! Not cool. There were garbage cans right by the carts too. So not cool.

Stay safe, sane, and healthy!


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