COVID-19 Virus Shutdown, Day 37

Since it was nice out today, after Zoom Tai Chi, I took the potato outside and planted him in a different pot. I left him outside since its nice tonight.

Then I decided that today was a good day to put the soil in my raised bed.
I looked for some newspaper to put down, so the weeds wouldnt come up so soon. But I didnt have any. What we did have was my old recipes pasted on old papers that were drawings on the opposite side.

It looks weird but I bet it works.

I put in 3 bags in each side but it only filled up half way. So I'll need to get some more at some point. It can wait a couple weeks.

I'm exhausted. I got all the creeping virginia cut down, too, and pruned my trees in the backyard (the ones I could reach!)

Even if we don't get to go plant shopping this year, I'm having fun trying out different veggies from scraps. Today I planted a clove of garlic and put romain stems in water.

Here's hoping!

Tonight for dinner I made spaghetti, but because I couldnt get Prego, I had Ragu instead. It was okay, I added some sugar to it. And I made salad with a homemade tahini dressing. It was pretty good ,but I dont' think I'll be bottling and selling it haha. And then I left the garlic knots in too long so they were a little dried out and a bit too dark.

If you want a piece of advice, don't cook when you're this tired. :)

Stay safe, sane, and healthy, friends.


  1. 1) Very impressed with the raised boxes for...potato (?) or cuttings (?)
    b) you put your children's artwork as the foundation?!

  2. Thanks :) Yes if the potato survives until May 29, it goes in the raised bed. Anything needing long legs (roots). The artwork is mine actually haha


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