COVID-19 Virus Shutdown, Day 29

Did you know you can can milk? You need a pressure canner, but yea it's even shelf stable after that!
I didn't know.
Here's a link to learn how. It says the milk might turn a little yellow since there is milk sugar in there and the cream will rise to the top. You just shake it.

Apparently you can also can meat, seafood, venison, poultry!

I've only ever canned tomatoes and Jam because I don't have a pressure canner. So all my projects have to be hot water bath only. But I thought that was pretty amazing.

On the dinner front:
It just wasn't a good day. The idea was to make fish and chips.
The russet potatoes were all used up so I cut up some redskins, oiled, salt and peppered and baked them. They didnt get done in time for dinner. No one ate them.
The fish batter didnt stick to part of one fish, and the other didnt get done all the way. The third burned.
Then when I went to put stuff away, the dog ate the last of my dinner.
I was just livid. And done.

I decided a day like this needs brownies.
Yep you guessed it, what came out clean turned out not to be done. So now i'm reheating the oven and going to have to bake them longer.

I 'm sure this happens to everyone, but...
Now and then I get that panic that comes with being on lock down, that I might actually get sick. I worry about the symptoms, especially the breathing problems part. I dont even want to think about it because I'm really afraid of drowning.

I fret that I dont want to die. And I thought about why that is. I of course fear death, but also I keep saying I have so much more to do with my life. Not sure if this is where bucket lists come from but I suspect there is an element to considering our own mortality as we write the list.

I suppose the most important thing on my list is to see things I haven't seen before, do things I always wanted to do.

  • Eat pizza while looking at a coastal view of Italy. 
  • Walk under the falling cherry blossoms in Japan in the spring. 
  • Stroll the volcanic beaches of Greece. 
  • Have a romantic dinner at La Table de Colette in Paris, France. Then go straight to Bears and Racoons because of the name and have a sandwich (the food at de Colette is tiny). Then the next morning camp out at a bakery and try coffee and pastries until I cant eat anymore. 
  • Walk the green hills of Ireland and shear a sheep. Would they let me? Go home with a too thick cable knit sweater. Try a Guinness warm. 
  • See all the animals of Africa in their native habitat. 
  • Snorkel the Great Barrier Reef in Australia
  • Touch the tilework in public stairway of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Visit our exchange student in Tuttlingen, Germany, and go sightseeing. (We miss her!)
  • Build an amazing edible garden that is beautiful to look at and provides food for my family
  • Build my own bakery like a 1940s store front, open the doors to see people lined up around the building. 
  • Watch my kids find love, get the keys to their first place, and have families of their own (assuming they want to). 

I'm sure as I grow older my bucket list may change.
But if anyone ever asks me do I want to go somewhere, you already know I have all kinds of ideas in mind!

Stay safe, sane, and healthy... and keep dreaming, my friends!

P.S., the brownies turned out good. :)


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