COVID-19 Virus shutdown, Day 14
Day 14 of quarantine!
We had "Takeout Thursday" and got food from our beloved Col's restaurant in Royal Oak.
They had a kitchen fire last year and just have come back to us a few months ago.
I'd been craving spinach pie for a while now, but the RenCen food court coney island hasn't had it for months.
So when Hubby chose Col's I thought, Self, you should get some spinach pie.
And so I did.
Today was clean up the gardens day. And I got totally distracted by a mum that I needed to plant and walkways in the garden that needed cleaning off. And the sage plant that I discovered had new leaves on it. What?
This is why I only got 1/3 of the front garden done. Hyacinths and crocus are coming up!! Woot!
Before I knew it, dinner time came around. I had stuff for hamburgers, corn on the cob, cole slaw, tomatoes, cucumbers... but the chips I ordered did not come.
I puttered around and found a tater tots recipe and decided today would be a good day to try them out.
I had some elderly potatoes so I removed the eyes first, then gave them a clean shave and set them in a pot of cold water. Then I turned on the heat. Once they boiled I counted 6 minutes, then turned them off, drained, and rinsed in cold water.
I had to cut them in half longways to get them in the food processor, but I finally used my grater attachment on it and it works so well!
Once parboiled and grated, you add a tbsp of flour and some herbs and salt/pepper and mix.
Then you pinch off some potato, roll it into a tater tot-like shape and line them up to be cooked.
They got a nice hot oil bath until crispy.
And then flipped over and finished with more salt.
You can do this if I can do this.
Just think: Tots, hash browns, home fries anytime you want because you know how to parboil them now! Sweet!
Last thing: My raised bed garden got here a day early! So it's protected under the porch in the rain right now. I'll be building that tomorrow.
Stay safe, sane, and healthy!
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