COVID-19 Virus shut down, Day 12

The Pastry class final exam was long with a lot of questions, but I am hopeful that I did really good.  It was strange, taking the test at home.
Because my test was 530-730pm, I just had hubby get the kids pizza and I had leftover goulash.

So what now?
My original thought was I would dive in to making croissants and breads and things.
I probably will do that, yes.
It takes a few days to get that going, so I need to plan it out.

And I'm getting some possible cake orders coming in for late spring/summer. So I might also do some practice cakes.

But the gardening bug is niggling at me. I was going to wait and buy plants, but now I think I'm going to sow seeds in my mini seed tray over the next few days.

Originally it was going to be hard to do while I took my classes and was not home much, but since that's been remedied for me, I think I can do it.

I just bought a raised bed for the backyard.
I was looking at a greenhouse, too. The greenhouse would've bought me more time had I started seeding in February. But I didn't and now it's late March. You can't buy plants yet, so at this point I'd sow seeds to just put them right into a garden.

The raised bed will give me a way to grow things in the backyard which is so full of trees there's a huge root system back there, and not much soil to grow in. Cross your fingers because it comes in two days!

Just thought to check the weather...if I can get it built by saturday I should have some nice weather.
I think maybe then I will build it one day and start cleaning up the gardens the second day.

On another front, tomorrow I do a Zoom web thingy for my Tai Chi class as a test.
Wish me luck, I'm not used to that at all! 😄
More on that to come <3

Stay safe, sane, and healthy!


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