Happy New Year - and coming to the end of the Holiday season

 Well we made it to 2022. I got around to most of the rooms, organized, deep cleaned a good portion of it. I'm beat. Really tired. And it's not done. At this point, I'm running out of days and energy. 

But the only person pushing me to do this was me. And work beckons the day after tomorrow. 

At what point do you stop the organizing and just live with what you have? Do you push it to weekends when you don't get it all done?

I have a box of good dinnerware that needs to be put somewhere. I have cupboards that have stuff in them that I never use. This would be my next project. If you don't count putting the Christmas decorations away. 

But your mind can only take so much change, so many decisions. So many new places for things. It's physically tiring too. 

Still, whenever I look at my cleaned up rooms, my once again white counters, I don't feel like it as time wasted. 

One more day to go, as my routine seeps back in, and thoughts of work come back. 

Hopefully, I can get this box put away and have time to get ready for work on Monday. I think the tree can stay up another week. Don't you?


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