On Holiday - 12/17/21

 Yesterday's project was to make a Sweet Potato Pie for a sweet friend who wanted to do something for their adopted couple. 

No pictures but I also had to give the dog a bath /wash the towel and bath mat again, since he ran through a mud pit in our  back yard. Ugh. Not the way I wanted to spend my day off.


Today, rather than bake, Hubby took me to lunch at the local Mexican restaurant - Yummo!

And tonight I have plans with my girlfriend for Italian food - Yummo again!

So I started an hydroponic mini garden with a 2 ltr bottle. 

Getting ready:
Nutrients + Water in the jug, Coconut coir in the bowl in water

Moistened coir in the 2 liter bottle (cut bottle at the curve and invert) 
There is a wick going from the side down into the nutrient water in the base of the bottle

Gonna grow basil in this one

Why foil jacket?
Not because it gets cold, but to prevent algae

Masking tape makes the sharp edges less lethal. Seeds are planted and the foil jacket is dated. 
Now we wait for 6- 10 days for sprouts. 

Note that there is also a slit cut in the Mt Dew label to peek at the water level. You remove the foil jacket to look. 

Wish me luck!


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