Holiday Blog - 12/21/21

 Happy Winter Solstice! (sings "here comes the sun...")

An update on the sourdough starters - the Royal Oak grape sourdough starter was pitched last night. It started smelling really bad, not like sourdough bad but like moldy cheese and barf bad. Even if that was the way that one is supposed to go, I didnt want to eat that flavor in a bread!!

But the San Francisco starter that I bought is turning out nicely. Tomorrow I start discarding, so it's getting close to being active and ready. 

I did some reading up on this and I think that for the future I will also dry some of the starter in case things go badly, i dont have to keep buying starter to get going again. I dont have a lot of freezer space or fridge space so that will be my insurance policy. 

I've been getting cookie orders so I need to run to the store again to get more ingredients and boxes. I have  a repeat customer from last year! pretty exciting :)

I spent the rest of the day making cookies, both for an order and to give as gifts. So. Many. Cookies!

Christmas Cookies ready to go

I ended up checking work email and realizing i didnt finish one of the tasks I meant to do. 
So I fought the good fight against two spreadsheets and after the 4th try and much swearing, I finally got the task done. My motivation was to see if someone was dropped off a distribution list and it turns out they were not, the person just isnt participating lately. 

Then I had my Tai Chi class on Zoom. 
At that point leftovers were sounding good and the boy pointed out that I should take a break on my (Christmas) Break. 

He has a point. 

So I sat down. Time for a rest. 


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