The I dont have time to blog blog

 This is just a quick update for my non Facebook friends: 

Had an onsite meeting with a lot of my team today, it had been 6 mos since I've seen any of them.

We had the temp test in the parking garage, answered questions, got a fresh mask, had to drive through a line of cones to go where we could park, I was able to plug in my car, then went upstairs in the nearly empty building, only to find that the room we got - they turned off power to that part of the building. I this a joke? Am I being punked? Eventually found my team wandering around looking for a new room with power and lights and AC.

It was a good meeting and we had a few laughs. See you all again in 2 more months... or more....

But for now, back to WFH.

Im off to make a Grad party cake for my Daughter. Party's tomorrow!
See you laters.



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