Losing the COVID-19+ ... 94 days to go


Motivational Poster #4

Not a bad day yesterday. 
I just had no desire to eat this morning, but probably because I was tired.  A good workout does that to you. 

I still ate, don't get me wrong, I just chose an egg over toast instead of sugary cereal, because if I'm not dying for Honey Nut Cheerios, I might as well eat something good for me. 

I tried yesterday to remember Jared while working out. I've been so self conscious about my fat rolls as I move through the workouts that it's been distracting me. So instead, I kept him in mind, how he did it anyway, knowing that one day he wouldnt have the fat rolls to contend with if he kept moving. It helps. 

Attitude is everything. Letting go of having to be already "done" before working out is not very helpful, it turns out. Who would have guessed?

Between the two martial arts classes I have a lot of new material to practice so that will make it easier to find something to do for my workout. 

When you talk about losing weight, others tend to talk about it too, and what roadblocks they have. One reader has an issue with her classes all being canceled. When mentioned the possibility of doing zoom classes, the other problem is space, where to do the work. 

My only advice is that as long as its not 90 degrees and humid, outside is still a preferable place to work out. But it's much easier if someone does it with you. 

Because here is the thing: shyness takes over. Does this happen to you?
I admit it, I sometimes dont work out in the house because someone in the family might walk by and see me. If I go outside, the possibility of this happening multiplies.

I dont know if you can convince yourself of this, dear reader, but most of the time when people gawk at others doing a work out or dance class, it is out of admiration, and sometimes longing to be there with them. 

In any case, its easier to tell yourself its the other guy they are gawking at. 

So maybe the answer is, find a park, bring a laptop, do a zoom class, and bring a friend. 

Let me know if you try this. 



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