COVID-19 Virus Shutdown, Day 73

My daughter's Graduation stuff and the onset of planting my seedlings has got me busier than normal, so I haven't posted lately. 

I'm also getting the living room, my main room for writing and working, re-arranged so I can move a real desk up against the window and put a real office chair in front of it. That means a major overhaul of the room. 

Daughter loved the camera we got her - it came with so much stuff like a tripod and lenses. I have some pictures below. She also loved having goulash for a meal and cake for dessert :)

We went to go get her cap and gown and yearbook but it turns out I read the date wrong and that event is next friday. So that means we went to lunch and then tried out using a masks at Target. She's worn them before but I've been a homebody for a couple months. 

I didnt like it much, but it's doable. My mask kept sliding up into my eyelashes, which I didnt expect. I heard later that it was sitting too high on my nose. 

And about eerie. 
Everyone looked like hospital patients to me, wearing masks. Probably 90% of the people there had them on and most people gave me furtive looks like they were afraid I would cough on them. 

There wasn't a lot of stock and if I wasn't trying anything on, I was honestly not really wanting to touch anything either. 

I got some plastic beads to wear on Memorial day and some birthday and fathers day cards, which you can't get online :)

Once we got in the car we put on hand sanitizer. And once we got home, washed our hands too. 
It was a little tiring all the extra safety precautions, but necessary. I'm pretty sure this will deter me from going out a lot. But it was a good dry run for when I go back to work

On the seedling front, they spent their first night outside in pots. I plan to plant all the stuff in the front yard after Tai Chi today, but the backyard plants will have to wait, as we still have muddy ponds in the back. And a week of rain is coming. 
So the plan is to keep them up front under the porch roof and wait for the water to recede again after all the rain. And I still need more soil for those raised (and sinking) beds. 

I have so manhy weeds to pull in the back flower gardens too, but I can't get back there yet. 

Well, I'm off to tai chi. I hope you have a relaxing sunny weekend before the rain comes. 
stay safe, sane, and healthy!



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