Preventing the big C and other bad things

We've all heard the stories about super healthy people having heart attacks or getting cancer for no reason at all, and it makes us question, why even bother trying to be healthy?  It can be so discouraging. And a little frightening.

But what we forget is that our focus determines our reality (to quote Star Wars). If you focused only on when might you die, you might never live a full life. And to live a full life you need to have energy, and interest in life. You have a much better chance of that, if you're feeling good.

So, then with that in mind, regardless of how much time each of us has left, it makes sense to be a healthy as possible so we can do all those things on our bucket list, right?. (And then make a new bucket list*.)

 *NOTE: Always make a new bucket list once you're done, always have something to look forward to. Or revise it, revisit it, change it. Purpose is what drives us to move forward. If we don't have that, we can stagnate, grow ill and unhappy. And no one wants that.

Can we prevent Cancer, the big C? Can we prevent all the other bad diseases, like diabetes, heart disease, obesity?

Is it as fun as being a couch potato?
No. No it's not. It takes personal change, and that is REALLY hard. No one likes change. Not even that crazy Change manager in your office. Just ask him to change his process and see how white he turns. Okay, now stop, tell him you're kidding. That's mean.

I mean come on, its way more fun to drink a beer, eat chips, and watch t.v. all day. For awhile.
Until it hurts to walk across the room or even get out of a chair. Go watch My 600lb Life if you don't think that can happen. It does.

And still, that bucket list beckons, doesn't it?
We need to be healthy enough to do these things when we have the time and money.

So what things can I do, for my part, to prevent cancer?
1. Don't use tobacco
2. Eat a healthy diet
3. Maintain a healthy weight and be physically active
4. Protect yourself from the sun
5. Get immunized against Hep B and HPV
6. Avoid risky behaviors that can lead to infections
7. Get regular medical care

For my blog, and my part, I want to help people eat a healthy diet, #2.
It helps with maintaining a healthy weight as well.

Some cancer fighting foods we can start using more:
Leafy Green Vegetables (like lettuce or kale), Cruciferous Vegetables (like broccoli and cauliflower), Berries (ooh strawberries! ), Brightly colored fruits and veggies (like oranges and acorn squash and sweet potatoes), Fresh Herbs and spices (like rosemary grown in your garden and peppercorns grown in your garden and then ground), organic meats (remember my blog on Peacock Farms? and the small whole chicken found at Kroger?), Cultured dairy products (buttermilk, sour cream, yogurt, swiss cheese), nuts and seeds (almonds! Flax seed in your oatmeal!), healthy oils (coconut, flax, EVOO), mushrooms, Traditional teas, and wild caught fish (think: that really red wild caught salmon).

Take a look at what you have now in your pantry. And think about how you might start adding the above list to your eating habits. Start with a few and go from there. Here is the link:

Next week, stay tuned for some new recipes for Pork and Beef Chuck roast. 
Until then, have a great week!

Vicky aka The Clumsy Chef


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