Healthier Sweets?

Well, I'm rather amazed.
I have to admit, I've been a skeptic of the "healthier" cookies or cakes. How good could they be?
I mean, what's a cupcake without white flour?

But after trying the blueberry cupcakes yesterday (light and fluffy? No way!)

and the chocolate chip cookies today (baking now), I think I'm being swayed a bit to the dark side. (Yes, they do have cookies!)

My favorite new ingredient was coconut sugar.
I opened the bag and sniffed. Oh, heaven!
It's a bit like caramelized s'mores mixed with toasted coconut. Oh my!

This is going in my cookie with chocolate chips? yay!

The thing that is throwing me, is that I tend to make enough for work, so at least anywhere from 17 to 23 cupcakes at a time (depending on recipe) and these are much smaller batches.

The blueberry cupcakes only made 11, and the chocolate chip cookies made 8. Eight!
I mean, there are more ingredients in the cookies than there are cookies!

Still, if you're looking to add whole wheat to your diet and less calories this is the way to go.
Waiting on the cookies to cool....

Droolingly yours,
Vicky aka the Clumsy Chef


  1. wow. sounds cool, but expensive if it takes more ingredients and you get less output. I guess the taste is pretty important tho. if they're good, yum ! I have a WW recipe for a cookie that uses wheat flour. they have cranberries in them. If I find it, I'll email the recipe. What you need is a bigger kitchen for all that fun baking !


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