Day 3: Walnut Breads

 This week's quick breads were Orange and Lemon walnut breads: 

Lemon Walnut Bread

Orange Walnut Bread

Another fun fact about the cookbook is that sometimes the recipe is made for the BIG machines. This means instead of a quick bread about a pound or so, we end up with 5 pounds of quick bread. 

This means I need to put my training to use again and figure out what a 1 pound loaf might be. Because I wanted to try both lemon and orange, I made both at the same time, so I cut the recipe by 5 and then doubled it. 

This is the math. Seems like I got it right since it turned out okay. But I couldve gone with 2 pounders. 

No baking job can be done without a mess, sadly. 
This one was fairly spectacular, actually. 
In order to make pastry flour, I mixed cake flour and all purpose (1:1) . My technique left a bit to be desired ,however. I put them both in a bowl and put the lid on, then shook it. 
the mess!

The breads turned out well, however. So its all good.
Next week, we get into rolls. 

See you then!


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