Field trips canceled for a bit

 I think its probably fair to say I'm done with field trips to grocery stores for at least the next 3 weeks, or longer, if the Michigan "Pause" gets extended. 

For those not in Michigan, our Governor has mandated a pause. And although it does not extend to grocery stores, in the spirit of the pause, I'm being extra safe and staying home. 

The numbers are high and more and more family and friends are getting exposed, or worse actually catching the Corona virus. They spread it unknowingly and find out later. I can't imagine going to the little shop and accidently getting that little Nona that I saw in the store sick. 

Meanwhile I'll do my shopping online, if I need anything for a recipe. 

It is truly a time of hibernation now! I assure you I will still be reading and watching videos as I learn about Italy. If I find any really good ones, I'll share. 

As always, stay safe and sane my friends. 



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