Why I hate Fall and Winter

 Before you freak out, hear me out. 

I don't mind some things about Fall and Winter. Leaves changing color is a sight to behold. I love it, watching them sparkle from my window, seated in my warm home. 

I love pies baking in the oven and plans to see family. 

It's the personal assault to my body that has me dreading these two seasons. 

Starting with Fall, the first indication is that my nose stuffs up. I 've deduced that I am probably allergic to mold of some kind. As soon as I start to reach for my coat,  I also fill the pockets with Kleenex. And put a small packet of them in my purse. 

I have a skin allergy, too, that creates these little itchy spots. Caused by mold? No idea. I have stuff for that but its prescription and I'm allergic to cortisone - so no cheap easy OTC remedy for me. 

Then the weather turns cold and the furnace kicks on. Dry skin. Also allergic to fragrance, here, so I have to start putting stock in Fragrance free lotion, which can at times be hard to come by. (I remind you that unscented is NOT fragrance free, my dears, even though the stores seem to think so. There is a masking fragrance they use to make it not smell, but I'm still allergic to it). 

Combining decongestant meds with little sunshine, now I'm tired more often and longer. I need more sleep. 

And frankly walking around in the cold is exhausting. Not to mention wearing the coat, scarf, gloves, hat, boots which are all heavier than not wearing them, its just EFFORT to walk around in teh cold trying to stay warm. Add rain to that mix and you can imagine how much I do not want to be outside at this point. 

Finally, cold weather begets ice and snow. On my lawn thats great. Pretty to look at. 
But on the roads, it brings tension and fear. 

I am reminded of one class I had about 15 miles from home, where I had to drive on a sheet of ice up a ramp to get to campus. It took an hour to get there. An hour of sheer terror driving it, trying not to float off into a ditch. 

I dont' relish the thought of doing that again. We do get to take a couple days off class if need be. I'll be watching the weather this year. 

So in conclusion, if you see me grumbling about the impending dying of the light, forgive me if I do not go "gentle into that good night" and I do some raging against it. 

Peace, my pumpkin loving friends. Enjoy the season for me!



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