COVID-19 Virus Shutdown, Day 48

I've been thinking about the "new normal" when we return to being able to leave the house for more than groceries. And I've decided a couple of things. I get real joy out of gardening. There is something almost necessary about going outside and soaking up the sun, digging in the dirt, and watching your "babies" grow into real plants that produce food. Eating your own carrots that you grew from seed is one of the best things I can remember doing. As fussy as it can be to grow from seed, weed nearly every day, hack away at vines that don't quit, and constantly clean up dog poo, I love love love being out there just puttering around. It's very peaceful. So my decision is to always make this a part of my life, as much as I can. Maybe I'll get into canning this year with a real canner. Or start dehydrating. The other thing is that I need a few hours a week to read, alone, and soak up a new story. I love stories where there is travel and food i...