Day: 33 - Forgot to eat?!

Well it's happened.
I actually experienced losing track of time and forgetting to (make and ) eat dinner.

See what happened was I decided to try eating whole wheat/whole grains.

I learned these things about myself this past week:

1.) I love convenience. I tried the thing where you buy your groceries online and just pay& pick them up. Totally genius. I've been getting so upset that there seemed to be no time when I could shop and there weren't crowds crowds crowds.

2.)  I love bread. I want to eat it at every meal. And there's a lot of bread that I eat, from English muffins, to raisin toast, to tortillas, to bread. I don't want to stop eating it.

3.) I do not love being overweight. I 'm not making judgments on any one else and their choices but I don't like how I look. Plus it's another piece in the puzzle when trying to stay cancer-free; maintain a healthy weight.

You can see how with these three confessions about myself how I got into eating a lot of packaged foods, a lot of white flour, and feeling shame about it. Not good.

So my thinking was, I can try to eat whole wheat carbs instead of white, and still eat the things I'm used to. It was time to give it a try.

And so, I found myself working away on making Easter candies ( no you can't have any,  you have to wait til Easter to have some! ) and it was after 6pm and I was not hungry.
I'd had a couple pieces of Ezekiel raisin toast for breakfast (thanks to Anna for the idea)  and at lunch I got a chicken sandwich from McDonalds, removed the bun, and put the stuff on a whole wheat muffin. It was a little weird but really was pretty good.

This was for dinner: Salmon with lemon and dill, whole grain instant rice (well 10 minutes actually), and sauteed peppers and snow peas.

For the Salmon, I cut one fillet into three pieces. Salted them to bring out natural carmelization, and put olive oil and a touch of butter in the pan. I seared them face down. Then when I flipped them over, I put dill and garlic on top and a slice of lemon for flavor.
At the same time I cut up peppers and cut the tips off the snow peas. Those I cooked also in olive oil with a touch of butter.

It's pretty yummy and I'm not craving everything in the house this time.

Try it and let me know what you think!

Vicky aka The Clumsy Chef


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