Day 14: Oh the brownies we have made

Yes, it is still Lent, if you're wondering.
My mind seems to have wandered off of late. Here I am thinking how did another 4 days pass? What did I even bake, if anything? Did I even cook from scratch at all this week?

If you're the parent of a soon-to-be middle-schooler, you know you have to contend with:
1. Let's go to the Middle school and see the open house with 4 other elementary schools on a weeknight.
2. Let's do projects where mom has to print off 6 pictures of Katherine Johnson and look up facts on the internet.
3. Let's help with homework every single night for at least an hour if not two because said 5th grader cannot possibly concentrate. I mean the tv is on. The computer is just over there. Oh look, I have a dog. I need to contemplate and spell and learn the root latin word of each spelling word. .

But I digress.

So what did I bake, you are probably wondering (dreading to hear)?

Cookie brownies. I kid you not: I made 6 batches of them in two weeks.

And as I left work for a long weekend, sure that I'd finally made enough to satisfy the coworkers for at least 3 more days, I turned around and saw the container empty. I brought in two containers today (24 in each) and another the day before.

I'm going to have shaky,  twitchy coworkers, going through sugar withdrawal on Monday to contend with, I tell ya.
It may need to become a controlled substance.

So now I sit here thinking... maybe cupcakes are NOT the thing. Maybe the thing is cookie brownies.
I mean this fundraiser is about raising money, not just about me trying out new recipes.

I have a three day, no kitchen hiatus coming up starting tomorrow, so I have time to think on it.
But I will let you know about the restaurant food I end up eating.

Happy St. Patrick's day!
Vicky aka The Clumsy Chef


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