Passionfruit White Chocolate cupcakes

First, I'd like to say condolences to the Powell family. The real Julie (from Julie and Julia movie) passed away recently, which got me thinking of blogging again. She was the one who inspired me to blog about food to be honest. I'm planning to sit down with my daughter soon and watch the movie again. This is the story of the Passionfruit White Chocolate cupcakes: I like a challenge. In the beginning, I had ordered a bunch of passionfruits from Imperfect Foods. I tend to just buy things and then figure it out later. But sometimes I dont have time to figure things out and end up with these weird fruits and vegetables that dont really go with anything. This one, I happened to be making a pomegranate lemon cupcake and had posted it on Facebook. Seeing that, my friend April had mentioned wanting a good White Chocolate passionfruit cake recipe since I think she found a place that makes them and she wanted me to help. I had ordered some passion fruit so this...