Trying out Almond Pound Cake - July 26, 2018
When I think about having my own brick n mortar bakery some day, I think about what I might offer to eat. I have a ton of recipes but haven't really tried most of them. ( I know, I'm ashamed to even say it. ) I tend to stick to the same things over and over. But in my fantasies I am trying new things every week. So I thought to myself, why don't I just try something I haven't tried before every week, now? Why not pick a day, say Thursday, and make an effort to try out a new recipe. I'm trying out an Almond Pound Cake as you may have guessed by the title. One of my favorite flavors is almond. To get technical for a moment, an almond isn't actually a nut but the part we eat is a seed. The genus, or plant category, is called "prunus" which includes nectarines, peaches , apricots, cherries and plums. And this is why I love it, because to me, the flavor of an almond has a distinct cherry like flavor. How cool is that? (I wonder if it's prunus beca...