Homemade pierogies
So, I made pierogies today. Sure, it's easier to buy frozen pierogies. Sure, it is a LOT of work. But when you have a food sensitivity, you try. You try to make things from scratch so you don't get sick. And you try to eat things that are yummy, at the same time. While digging around in my freezer this week, I found some "No MSG added" Kielbasa. I'd have to say it's probably been 20 years since I had Kielbasa; it was one of the first things that made me sick, then I realized I couldn't eat MSG anymore. (Spoiler: did not get sick tonight..win!) So when you find gold such as this, you tend to make a meal of it. (And by you, I of course mean me. I have no idea what you'd do, really.) So I nonchalantly promised the Hubs (aka husband, hubby ) home made pierogies, thinking hey, how hard can it be right? I should never say that. I don't think you can probably REALLY sprain a wrist kneading dough, but I came close. Here is a photo of the dou...